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Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.



No.1 Wild Road - Rizhao Economic Development Area - Rizhao, Shandong, China


Location:Home > Products >> GTS1800 >> GTS1800WD

We are proud to present the new GTS1800WD (WD = Wheel Driven), a self-propelled powerful wood chipper for professional use in the field of tree maintenance and landscaping. With the GTS1800WD you can shred fresh cut wood with a maximum diameter of 12 cm and dry wood of 10 cm.
The battery powered (2 x 12 V) self-propelled system has an impressive autonomy of 9.5 kms on flat paved ground and approximately 3 kms on hilly or muddy terrain. It has two speeds forward (3 and 6 km/h) and two reverse speeds (1.5 and 3 km/h). The driving system can handle slopes up to 15°, so you can easily drive it in a van or onto a trailer. Steering is no hassle thanks to the two swiveling wheels that are mounted on a swingaxle so one can drive the chipper through rough and uneven terrain. The 270° turnable output chute makes the disposal of chips easy.
Despite of its performance and robust construction, it still passes through all regular garden gates (width only 73 cm)!

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